That Merlot Moment, . . . New Member Social & Welcome Wagon (via zoom)
Trip Details
First, . . . This is an event we do every Jan (in person). This year it will be online. So don't go getting your panties in a ruffle thinking this is an in-person event.
Ok. So what is "That Merlot Moment?" Truly it could be a Pinot Epiphany!
Or any other varietal.
That Merlot Moment is that time at the end of the year or just after . . .
You were at home with glass of wine in hand and you made a resolution to be more social in the new year. Keep in mind this was Pre-pandemic . . . Since we are Intra-Pandemic . . . Even moreso we are at home looking deep into our glasses of ruby colored elixir as we make a resolution (or in our turbulent times is more of a wish) to get out more in the new year. To make new friends. To make more friends. To go to new places. To be more social (in real life).
In short . . . . To NOT have the new year be like the last.
And so with perhaps a glass of Merlot in hand you started using the googley machine to try and find a way to make that happen.
Suddenly you have this Meetup thing . . .And curiously you have this very event before you. . . . and you, . . . OMG . . . just clicked RSVP=YES.
And that brings you to this very moment.
We will now jointly via Zoom share a Merlot Moment together where we wash off the year past and take a fresh look ahead.
Thus we will complete the circle and have more wine to seal the deal.
This is intended as a "New To Meetup Mixer." Meaning if you are new to Meetup, or new to the group, been in the group for a while but not attended an event or even just new to the city, . . . then come.
A perfect way to meetup some quality people over some even better wine.
If you are an existing member, . . . then you are equally welcome. After all . . who will be the welcome wagon for all the new people?
Somebody has to be there to welcome them to Meetup, and this fine group and this fine city.
ALSO at this event: Since the lead organizers of the group will be there you can come and ask about upcoming events that will be posted to the group during the course of the year. OR . . . If you want to be an event organizer and post events . . . come and ask about that too!
Agenda for the night:
7:00 to 7:30 Open Arrival.
7:30 to 8:00 Mixology 101: Some Gin Recipes
8:00 to 8:30 Mingle Game/Mingle Activity
8:30 to 9:00 Venting (of past) and Proclamations (of the future).
9:00 to 9:30 Wine Tasting (we will talk Merlot)
9:30 to 10:00 More Mingle
10:00 to ? We will have some rooms open and give options where people can break to smaller convos
What do I have to do now?
FIRST you NEED to click this LINK.
THIS is how you will get the Zoom
SECOND you need to pick up a bottle of Merlot.
THIRD you need to show up (at the event) with your best self and be ready for an awesome year ahead (or at least one better than the year past)
Last Question:
If Pre is "Before" and Post is "After" . . . what is "During?"
Pre-Covid or Post-Covid is before and after. We are still During Covid.
Are we Peri-Covid or Intra-Covid or Demi-Covid or Dia-Covid?
Just wondering. I used Intra up above, but there is no consensus.
Add your opinion about that as well as what That Merlot Moment is for you in the comments below.
Where to get that Merlot?
Local Winery
Places the group has gone to
https://store.tobinjames.com/2014 Merlot
Local awesome outlet Merlot or Gin
Note: We do not receive ANY remuneration, credit, kickback, percentage, or commission of any sort.